Adaption of Windows & Doors

The usability of windows and doors can be compromised by a reduction of mobility either permanently or temporary through disability, accident or illness.

The majority of these are identified by tenants or homeowner and are dealt with on a one-off basis.

With an innovative approach to home adaptations we can help people to carry out an every day activity such as opening and closing a window and not allowing it to become another barrier in keeping their independence.

Benefits are:

  • Adapting windows and doors to an individuals needs
  • Provide ease of use of existing windows and doors
  • Adapt difficult to reach handles on doors and windows
  • Retro fit closing/opening devices
  • Upgrade existing window and doors to comply with building regulations

Adapting Existing Windows

Working alongside Specialist Housing Occupational Therapists we can help people to live in their homes safely and for longer.

Home adaptations can help to prevent accidents, particularly injury from falls from over stretching, and standing on steps to operate handles to high windows.

Keeping the existing window frame we can change the side hung sash into a top hung sash for easy access. A restrictor has been fitted as to limit the opening of sash for safety, as well as security if on ground floor.

Get In Touch

We are looking forward to hearing from you

If you have any questions or enquiries please don’t hesitate to call, email or get in touch using one of our contact forms, we will make sure to respond to your queries as soon as possible.

Call us

02392 740408


Business hours

Mon – Fri: 8:30am – 5pm