The windows where fitted around the era of the early 1990’s and are uPVC tilt & turn style operation.
Overall condition is poor to fair, as maintenance had not been on going and regular cleaning has not been implemented.
The tilt/turn operating mechanisms were badly corroded and in a few windows the sash has become detached from the outer frame.
Bottom pivot pins had corroded and prone to shear when operating.
Some windows cannot be opened, having seized locking mechanisms due to corrosion or have been screwed shut.
Original screw fixings for handles, latches , sash locks are mild steel and have rusted.
Window handles were in need of replacement as finish had become damaged or are of various styles.
A complete refurbishment was undertaken onsite, deglazed and removal of sash’s, removal of all locking mechanisms and window furniture.
Once stripped down the window frames and sash’s were thoroughly cleaned ready for the new tilt & turn gearing to be installed.
110 new glass units installed , trickle vents had to be cut in once sash’s were re installed.
Replacement handles fitted to finish off the newly refurbished windows.